Financial Fitness Quiz 0% Have you set any financial goals? Yes No Next Do you have a budget and do you follow it? * Yes no Next What percentage of you income do you save? * 0% 1-10% 10-20% 20> Next What is your Job title? * What industry do you work in? * Next Do have any bad debt? * For example store or credit card Yes No Next Do you have a house or car loan? * Yes No Next Do have any short term insurance in place? * For your house, car and other valuables Yes No Next Do have medical aid in place? * Yes No Next Do you have GAP cover? * Yes No What is gap cover? Next Do you have income protection? * Yes No What is income protection? Next Do you have an emergency fund in place? * Yes No Next Do you have an updated will in place? * Yes No Next Do you have a tax-free savings account and do you contribute to it on a regular basis? * Yes No Next Do you know if you are saving enough for retirement? * Yes No Next To get your results, please enter the below details Your Full Name * Your Email * Phone Number Get your results